Friday, March 16, 2012

An Hour for Myself

Today, I tried something new-acupuncture. I was always a bit fearful of acupuncture, wasn't really sure that I wanted those needles sticking out of me. Well, I loved it. If I could I would go every day!

I have been so sore for months and the doctor told me too bad, it is just aging. Phooey, I'm not old yet! A coworker recommended I try acupuncture and I am glad I did. She spent a lot of time using acupressure techniques first, working on my neck muscles. Then she used the needles. All I felt was a slight prick that went away pretty much immediately.

When I left I could turn my neck both directions with no pain. I could breathe better (I have a sinus issue going on) and I just felt better.

My recommendation is that if you ever get the chance, try it!

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