This is a long post, but you can read it in sections. I previously posted these as notes on facebook and wanted to share them here. The words below describe a spritual turning point in my life, how I went from talking to God to having a conversation with God. I pray that you are inspired and blessed.
Learning to Hear God’s Voice, Part 1: Be Prepared
Since moving to
Memphis and attending Hope I have developed a deep, intimate
relationship with God. My closeness with God has grown through fellowship,
Bible study, Sunday school class, services, and amazing models. I was employed
in a very challenging situation and found support through the people at Hope. I
cried out to God in my distress and He heard my prayers. I was blessed in many
ways outside of my work but work itself remained difficult and emotionally
draining. All through this time I talked to God. Silently, out loud, on my
knees, while I was driving, all throughout the day in my heart at work, but I
never had the sense that I was having a conversation with God. I knew that He
heard my prayers and was working in my life, but I never heard God's voice
inside of me. Even when I crashed my truck on I-40 in rush hour during the
pouring rain and I know God reached His hands down and protected me from harm,
I did not hear His voice.
My job ended before
Memoral Day weekend. It ended on a very bad note and shattered my confidence in
my career choice. I have been praying about what I should do next. I asked God
to guide me, to put me where my gifts, talents, and skills will be used to His
purpose. I have been praying about where I should be looking for employment and
what industry I should be looking in. All I kept
getting at this point was "Be Prepared." This was just a
feeling, a thought that kept repeating in my head.
Be prepared? For
what? A new teaching position? What grade should I plan for? I bought some
books on organizing the first weeks of school and developing a good classroom
management system. I purchased 5-subject notebooks and new pens to start
planning lessons. I figured I would plan for second grade, then I could adjust
the lessons for first or third. I worked on my resume. I looked for jobs. I
worried about how my last position ended. Be prepared. Hmmm...I'll try.
Learning to Hear
God’s Voice Part 2: Wait, and seek Godly Advice
A friend informed me
of a possible position in the field I used to work in. It sounded like a good
opportunity so I revamped my resume to highlight my experience and skills in
that field. I spent hours working on the perfect cover letter. I was confused
as to how to apply so I emailed and faxed my cover letter and resume. I
submitted that same resume to a few other positions I saw posted in the
classifieds or on company websites. I received a response from one organization
telling me I was not qualified for the position. No response from the other
June 27,
2011: My mom's eye
surgery is scheduled for tomorrow and although it is a pretty routine
surgery for the doctor, it is always risky when someone goes into surgery. My
mom called me and told me that she was informed the landlord would be bringing
people to view the house. If the landlord is selling the house, then my mom,
sister, and kids have to find a new place to live. This was a lot to worry
about for my mom on top of the surgery. When I heard this I thought to myself
that I might want to peruse the job market in NY. Maybe it was time to move
back. I saw a couple of positions I would be interested in and forwarded my
resume and cover letter. Then I started praying in earnest. I prayed for my mom
to come through her surgery well. I prayed about the housing situation. I
prayed for guidance and wisdom in making a decision about staying in Memphis or
returning to NY.
June 28,
2011: I opened my Bible, and my study guides and
started looking up references on decision making. I figured that if I wanted
guidance, it would be in God's word. After reading verses in both old and new
testaments, and cross-referencing, and praying God told me to wait! The word
was not to make a rash decision, to seek godly counsel, and to wait for God to
answer. This is a significant command to someone who often makes impulsive
decisions. Decisions like coming home from the car dealership with two new cars
instead of one, because I was jealous that my sister was getting a new car and
not me! But, I am a new person so now I will listen to God. God says
"Wait!" I wait. Waiting is hard, especially when you feel like things
could just crumble into dust any minute. God's time is not my time, I am only
Then the
Lord said to Cain,"Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do
what is right will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right sin
crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."
Gen 4:6-7 NIV
fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 15:22
whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1
Cor 10:31 NIV
June 28,
2011 Later in the Day: Later
this same day God reminded me that I am supposed to be reading Job. I have read
the first three chapters, and have found myself distracted by other things and
acting a bit like Jonah, running away from the hard things God tells us to do.
So, I opened Job and read chapter 4. At this point Job has had all of his
wealth and children taken away as a test of his loyalty and righteousness toward God. Job
does not curse God, even though he has become destitute and childless. Then Job
is tested again, but this time Job is afflicted with painful sores all over his
body. Job's wife encourages him to curse God and die, but Job says no, we
accept good from God, we must accept suffering also. Job suffers greatly from
these sores and has some friends come to visit him, they sit for seven days and
nights without speaking and then Job opens up and expresses his pain and sorrow
and curses the day of his birth, but still not God. Finally we come to Job 4.
In this chapter Job's friend Eliphaz speaks to Job telling him to lay his
problems before the lord. Eliphaz tells Job to focus on the good things he has
done in life and reminds Job that God does not destroy the upright. God is now
telling me to remember that I have done good things, I have affected people's
lives for the better and that I need to remember these things! Also, I should
be confident because of my faith. Again God is telling me to listen to people
who give Godly advice. And finally, I am to remain godly in my actions. All of
that from the first six verses! Continuing on in Job, God directs me to pray
and lay my burdens before Him. God performs miracles and provides for the
Think how
you have instructed many, how you have strengthened feeble hands. Your words
supported those who stumbled; you have strengthened faltering knees. But
trouble comes to you and you are dismayed. Should not your piety be your
confidence and your blameless ways your hope? Job 4:3-6 NIV
But if I
were you I would appeal to God, I would lay my cause before Him. He performs
wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. Job 4:8-9 NIV
Learning to Hear
God’s Voice Part 3: Go!
Okay, short and sweet
since the last two times I tried to write this I lost it.
I got a call for an
interview in NY on July 1. I made an appointment for July 11, giving myself
time to drive to NY and have a vacation. I was conflicted, not knowing if I
should even go on an interview because I really didn't want to move back. But
then, did it really matter what I wanted or what God wants? Well, how do I know
what God wants? I have to listen for His voice. How? How do I know when God is
telling me something? Pray. Pray. Pray. Be still and quiet. Read Scripture.
On Saturday I awoke
and immediately started praying for guidance about the situation. After praying
I went to the Bible. I opened to Mark 6:1 Jesus left there and went to his
hometown, accompanied by his disciples.
Wow! That is pretty
specific, Jesus went to his HOMEtown. Now, if the word had been home, I may
have considered Denver, because I consider Denver home. but my Hometown? That
is in NY where I was born, lived the first years of my life, and have extended
family. God is talking, I am listening.
But, I was bothered
by the second part of the verse, that Jesus was accompanied by his disciples.
What does that mean for me? Am I supposed to take someone with me? I don't know,
I will have to ask for clarity on that. I started making plans to move instead
of vacation. I put notices out about my furniture, looked up the route, called
family to see if I could stay with them.
On Sunday July 3, I
attended Sunday School and church service. I cried during Sunday School because
I was going to miss everyone, and I could feel God's spirit moving our class in
a positive direction. I was just getting involved on committees and excited to
be a part of the great things happening in HSC. But I knew God was telling me
to go. I still wasn't happy about it. After class the singles all go to service
together. This is when the most amazing thing happened!!!
During the worship
music before the sermon there was a phrase in one of the songs about God
turning darkness into light. At this point a feeling of peace came over me and
I felt God's presence. I felt God telling me that He would turn my darkness
into light and my darkness is in NY. I had to go so that He could do His work
to finish cleaning out the dark parts of my soul. Then, on top of that I had an
epiphany about the second part of the verse. "Taking his disciples with
him" did not mean that I was supposed to take anyone with me. I am a
disciple and Jesus is taking me to my hometown. In my hometown I am supposed to
bring my new light, Jesus, to help others see. Once I had this epiphany a sense
of peace came over me. I felt sure that the move was the right decision, that
it was God's decision and I was doing what God wanted.
After that it was not
easy, but not as hard to say goodbye to my friends in Memphis. I am sure I will
see them again, and I will keep in touch via fb and email and phone.
I praise God for the
things I learned while I was in Memphis, for bringing me closer to Him, for
providing godly mentors, great friends, and providing for my needs. I thank God
for teaching me how to study the bible on my own, and for grounding me in the
old testament with the Patriarchs. I had a spiritual awakening in Memphis and I
am a new person! My faith in God will see me through here in NY and God will
provide for my needs.
Blessings to you my
I love, love, love how you seek God's direction and follow it. It's wonderful and a great example to others! - jj